Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion, prevention, and diagnosis and treatment of disease and disability in older adults.
Geriatric Psychiatry
Geriatric Psychiatry also known as Gero-psychiatry or psychiatry of old age, is a subspecialty of psychiatry involves the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of those individuals who are over 60 years of age with various mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders, as well as dementia.
Geriatric psychiatry emphasizes the biological and psychological aspects of normal aging, the psychiatric effect of acute and chronic physical illness in older age groups.
Geriatric Psychiatrist
Geriatric Psychiatrist is a medical doctor with special training in the diagnosis and treatment of emotional, psychological and mental disorders that may occur in older adults. These disorders include, but are not limited to, dementia, depression, anxiety, and late-life schizophrenia. Older adults have special physical, emotional, and social need.
Role of a Geriatric Psychiatrist in older Adults
A geriatric psychiatrist offers comprehensive psychiatric care to senior and elderly patients in need, whether it be listening and responding to the concerns of the older adult, helping families and when necessary, working with older health care professionals to develop effective approaches to treatment.
Geriatric psychiatrists focus on prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders in the elderly and improvement of psychiatric care for healthy and ill elderly patients.
Geriatric Psychiatrists are perhaps the only specialty in medicine that has something to offer dementia patients and their families/caregivers at every stage of the disease. Geriatric Psychiatrists are often asked to consult on issues of competency and informed consent and the appropriateness of surrogate management arrangements such as guardianship
At beyond psychiatry, we provide care to elders and realize the importance of family involvement, support, counseling, family education and guidance for appropriate Community resources and level of care.